My resume

Sieger Veldhuis

UX / UI Designer

2021 – present

Gemeente Amsterdam

UX / UI Designer

As a UX/UI Designer at the Municipality of Amsterdam, I collaborate with the Data Amsterdam and Innovatiepartners teams, applying agile methodologies with two-week sprints. My work centers around enhancing platform development, encompassing user research, idea generation, pitching, prototyping, user testing, and iteration, culminating in final product realization. Presently, I am engaged in projects including Data Amsterdam and the Data Verkenner.

In addition, I enjoy brainstorming sessions with city residents and colleagues to explore innovative ideas for enhancing Amsterdam.

Past projects:

  • Creation of the Digitale Inkoop Assistent
  • Further development of
  • Further development of
  • Concepting and realisation of the CDS-M use case store
  • Concepting and realisation of the Energie Congestie tool
  • Consulting for the Stadsbank van Lening to setup a requirement list for their MVP to further development their internal application

2018 – 2021 (3 years)

Super Interactive

Designer (UX / UI)

At Super Interactive we design and develop custom WordPress themes. As a Designer in the company, I have encountered various types of projects. One project type could be focusing on making a brand, identity and visual representation from the ground up, whereas the other project type could focusing on continuously improving their current website and/or brand. These project mostly included setting up the first concepts based on the input of the client with the digital strategy in mind. Developing these concepts into an UX design followed by the development of user interfaces in visual design. When necessary, working out components into clickable prototypes. We regularly consult with the client to make sure we are getting a good picture of the challenges and goals of the product we are designing.

My favourite part of a project process is to have a sit with the front-end developers to get the responsive designs and animations just right. After the launch of the first version of a product, we analyse as a team whether the set goals are achieved.

2018 – 2018 (8 months)

Follow Coin

UX Designer (thesis project)

For my thesis, school offered students two options: create your own imaginary problem en develop a fitting solution or look for real-life problems within an existing company and develop solutions in the form of an impactful product. I went with the latter. For my thesis I rebranded and restructured Follow Coin with the main goal: narrowing down who Follow Coin their users are and optimising their experience for the current and future platform.

A few examples of the tasks I executed:

  • Research related to the target audience of Follow Coin.
  • User behaviour research on current platform: what is currently working for the users of Follow Coin and what is not (and also: why is it not working?)
  • Making use of existing theories and methods with most inspiration taken of the book Hooked by Nir Eyal.
  • Optimising the structure and visual appearance of the website, app and social media channels.

2017 – 2018 (6 months)


Creative Designer (Internship)

At Tape I was challenged to get out of my comfort zone and create products which have more impact if the products is refined with more use of Graphic Design. During the time I worked at Tape, I learned how to be precise and “make every pixel count”. At the same time, I met a few people with creative mentality who taught me about how to execute  precision for projects back then and future projects.

During my time at Tape I also learned that there are quite some ways to get in touch with new clients, more than I could ever imagine before myself.

2016 – 2017 (1 year)


Junior UI Designer (part-time)

After an internship of 3 months Knijbel offered me a job which I could do besides my education. As a junior UI designer at Knijbel, I worked for various brands that mostly focussed on UI design and some basics of UX.

2016 – 2016 (3 months)


UX / UI Designer (internship)

During my study, I had a chance to do an internship for 3 months at Knijbel where I learned all the practical basics of the design profession and how to execute these in real practices (instead of theoretical cases and products with no end goal). This internship was short, yet essential. This internship helped me to realise that design is way more interesting with real life cases.



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