More about me

More about me

I am currently a UX/UI Designer at the Gemeente Amsterdam (municipality of Amsterdam). At the Gemeente Amsterdam I am working on both the Data Verkenner and Innovatiepartners team. Working for the Gemeente Amsterdam gives me the opportunity to make the digital products of the city more accessible, inclusive and easier understand. Improving the city is truly the most beautiful part of my job.

Depending on the type of project, I take the lead in both the UX and UI phase. I start a project mostly by setting up the first concepts based on the input of the stakeholders with the digital strategy in mind. Developing these concepts into an UX design is often followed by the development of user interfaces in visual design. When necessary, various components are made into clickable prototypes. My working philosophy is customer-centric, I believe that both users and clients are valuable and equal stakeholders.

On a daily basis I enjoy working with:

In my free time

My free time mostly consists of various activities. If I need to easily wind down after an intensive working day I love to game. When there is sun I also love to go out and hit up a cafe or a restaurant for a drink with friends. And for the ultimate relaxation I love to travel all over the world to discover new cultures and most importantly: new food.

Is your computer broken or do need technical advice, One of my biggest passions is tech. That was for me the biggest reason to work on my personal project: a gaming PC.

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If you want to reach out to me you can send me a message at and I’ll come back to you as soon as possible.

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